Saturday, May 21, 2011

Inaugural Address

I will take this opportunity--it being my first communication with you, the public--to inflate my ego and drastically overemphasize the importance of my position to the well being of society; just as a parasitic member of the political-corporate ruling class would. Please, save your praise and applause until the end of the post.

Now that I have sufficiently lampooned the absurdity of the political climate in which we find ourselves without waxing too verbose to be appropriate for an inaugural blog post, I ought to continue on to my purpose in writing this blog. As was made apparent by the title I gave this blog, I am a proponent and aspiring champion of individual liberty. As you, the reader, may be aware, we are not living in a world where the sovereignty of the individual is respected. Even in the territory over which the government of the United States of America claims dominion, arguably one of the freer regions of the world, there is a constant and pervasive war being waged against the rights of each individual--millions of people are thrown into cages as punishment for crimes which have no victim; thousands of innocents die in violent, imperialistic conquests around the globe for which no end is in sight; the drug war worsens the many problems it purports to solve and provides a convenient excuse for unchecked expansion of government power and militarization of the police forces; basic freedoms are being stripped for our supposed protection; our futures are being drained by the loss of unlimited potential a free market could have realized. These are but a select few of the myriad problems government has caused, and will continue to cause, unless a true revolution occurs in the way people think about how society should operate.

The heart of the matter is as follows: the initiation of force, or threat thereof, against another individual, or another individual's rightful property, is inherently immoral and counter to the natural law concepts of self-ownership and property rights. As governments are collections of individuals, and since collectives have no rights greater than, or superseding, the rights of the individuals of which they are composed, governments have no right to violate this axiom of non-initiation of force. When government is looked at in this rationally critical way, several concepts, previously disguised by their newspeak terminology, are revealed for what they really are--taxation is theft; war is mass-murder; fiat currency is a counterfeiting racket; conscription, jury duty, and tax paperwork are all forms of involuntary servitude, or slavery. How is it that we are living in such an advanced society, with new technological marvels being created every day, and yet our system of governance has not advanced significantly since the Athenian democracy of ancient Greece? As a terrorist dawning a fawkesian mask once opined, "there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?"

My purpose in writing this blog will be to always speak truth to power. I want to expose the web of lies that the many-legged arachnid called government has spun to keep us obedient and complaisant. The reader will have to unlearn a lot of the indoctrination likely foisted upon them in state "schools," in order to appreciate much of what I have to say. To facilitate this process I will provide links to numerous resources that were invaluable and continue to be of value on my journey toward individual sovereignty. Of course, every rational human being is by definition a self-owner and therefore an individual sovereign. I am merely referring to my personal journey toward the discovery of this knowledge and the profound changes it entails. I will likely post on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule. My posts are likely to include diverse topics, and will likely take a multitude of forms, such as: relevant news excerpts; passionate arguments (read: occasional incensed rants in retaliation to the latest statist injustice); and links to interesting articles and dissections/discussion thereof.

I deeply hope that this blog might convince one person to rethink how they see the world and the problems we all face. If it does, every precious moment of time dedicated to this blog will be more than worth it. Thank you, reader, in advance for allowing me to share my ideas with you. Your open-mindedness and rationality will lead you to the truth. Please feel free to share any constructive criticism, questions, concerns, comments, or thoughts with me.

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